Here is a list of the 13 best leadership tips.

  1. Be an active listener. Being an active listener means fully listening to the other person and not thinking about what you will say next. It also means repeating what you heard them say back to them to ensure that you heard them correctly and that the two of you are talking about the same thing.
  2. Show empathy for those around you. As a leader, there will be times when you have to deliver hard news or critical feedback, and it is during these times that others will be looking to you for guidance. Showing empathy for the people around you and what they are going through will help you connect to them more and be seen as a fair and reasonable leader.
  3. Always conduct yourself with class. Just because you are in a position of power doesn’t mean you have free reign to disrespect others. Class is one of the most critical elements of outstanding leadership.
  4. Set aside time on your schedule to focus on your essential tasks. You will have more responsibilities, meetings, and people wanting more from you. You need to block time off for when you can focus and finish your important projects.
  5. Communicate clearly. Say what you mean and mean what you say. How you communicate will be one of the most important things you do as a leader. You want to ensure that you are clear in communicating expectations, visions, and priorities to those around you.
  6. Stay away from gossip. Someone who is a leader should not gossip about those around them; it looks unprofessional and could lead to negative feelings if those you talk about find out.
  7. Make sure to attend meetings and be on time. This should be obvious but needs to be clarified. If you have a meeting with someone, show up to the meeting on time. Try not to cancel or be late to your appointments; if you are, communicate that as soon as possible.
  8. Be slow to change your decisions. People want a leader who knows where they are going. Constantly changing your mind confuses people and makes you look like you don’t have a vision for the future. Be thoughtful with your decisions but not to the detriment of moving forward.
  9. Be open and willing to learn new things. Technologies change, platforms change, and there will never be a time when you have mastered everything there is to master, and you will continue to move forward with each change by learning new things.
  10. Don’t be emotionally reactive to situations. Take a pause. Try to step back and see the case for what it is. Refrain from making decisions from this place. Try to separate your choices from the emotions that you are feeling at the moment.
  11. Be accepting that change is always happening. Adopting the mantra “change is good” will help you feel better when change inevitably happens,
  12. Have a precise separation between your work and personal life. Keeping your personal life separate from your work life will help you have better boundaries around your time and availability and give you space to focus on your hobbies, family, friends, and other things outside of work.
  13. Manage your mind. By managing your thoughts and feelings, you will be able to think more clearly and strategically, make better decisions, and have less emotional reactivity. Calming your mind is one of the most important things you can do as a leader.