Your career journey has many different seasons. Some are challenging while others are rewarding. Affirmations are positive, validating, and affirming statements about who you are and what you are capable of. They can be useful to use as mantras or power phrases to help you feel more calm, capable and confident. Here is a list of twenty-five affirmations for career growth and success.

25 Affirmations For Career Growth And Success

  1. I am capable and skilled at my job.
  2. I am a powerful decision maker.
  3. I trust the journey I am on, knowing I am on the path to incredible career success.
  4. I share my thoughts with clarity and confidence.
  5. I deserve success.
  6. I am capable of reaching my dreams.
  7. Every day, I get better and stronger.
  8. I know that my voice is valuable.
  9. I am ready to shine in my career.
  10. I embody wisdom, strength and grace.
  11. I am in control of my career.
  12. I am acknowledged and rewarded for my skills and contributions.
  13. I create my own opportunities and I am always open to success.
  14. My goals are clear and I am capable of achieving them.
  15. Every day I am becoming a more effective, compassionate, and insightful leader.
  16. I seek to uplift those around me.
  17. I deliver exceptional results.
  18. I am a force for positive change in my workplace.
  19. I celebrate each and every win.
  20. I cultivate my personal power.
  21. I am great at connecting with others and building strong relationships.
  22. I bring passion, enthusiasm and excellence to my work.
  23. I invest in myself and my skillset.
  24. I am courageous and able to advocate for my career advancement.
  25. I boldly shape my future with each step forward I take.

Refer back to this list of affirmations when you feel unsure or when you want a little more support. You can write these affirmations on a post-it, set it as a reminder in your phone or write it as a note to yourself until it rings true for you.