The better the questions you ask yourself, the better results you’ll get in your life.

Your brain is a problem-solving machine. If you give it a problem, it will work to find an answer to the problem posed.

This is why the questions you ask your brain are so important, and it gives your brain focus and direction. This focus and demand are what your brain perceives as essential to you, so it will start looking for and finding evidence of whatever questions you ask.

In a way, it acts like Google. Your search for something, and it WILL find an answer for you. The most common way people use this against themselves is by asking themselves and their brains the wrong questions.

If you ask your brain a question, it will answer. So, if you request your brain;

Why am I so broke?

Why does nothing ever go my way?

Why am I always passed over for a promotion?

Your brain will search and start looking for more evidence for those questions, and it will then reinforce these conditions in your life. But you can also use this brain functionality for your benefit. Like asking your brain, how can I be less overwhelmed at work?

Click here for the free guide: 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed at Work.

The Benefits of Asking Better Questions

One of the first ways that asking better questions will benefit you is that your brain will start searching for and noticing opportunities for you. It can help lead you to better results.

Better questions can also help direct your brain to notice more of the positives and the negatives, which can improve your mood.

You can put your brain to use and use it to solve problems that exist for you by asking better questions instead of unhelpful questions about the issue.

Asking better questions and asking the brain questions you want to know the answer to can help direct your brain to a specific target so you spend less time thinking about unproductive or worrisome thoughts.

Tips for Success in Asking Better Questions

Frame your questions in a positive. Your brain will answer the questions you give it, so if you ask it negative questions, it will find answers.

Why am I so broke? can be changed to where are there opportunities for me to make more money?

Why does this always happen to me? can be changed to where are things going well for me right now?

Why am I always passed over? can be framed more positively by asking how can I get a promotion this year?

Ask questions that you want the answer to. This helps give some emotion to your questions which will help your brain deem finding the answer as essential, and the desire to get a solution will help you stay focused and committed to your question.

Ask the question you want the answer to repeat until you get the answer. Keep asking your brain your question repeatedly until it gives you an answer. Sticking with one question will help your brain stay focused on getting the solution instead of starting down multiple paths but never getting to the end of a course.

What to Do If You’re Struggling

  • Continue repeating just one question over and over to yourself every day until your brain gives you an answer
  • Try getting your brain to answer your question through free writing. Write your question at the top of a blank page and see what comes to you through writing.
  • Be clear on if you want the answer to your question. If there is some upside to your brain not giving you a response, consider why that might be.
  • Follow your nudges. The answer may not come to you in an obvious way, and it might feel more like a slight nudge.

Better Questions

You can direct your brain to work for you. You can ask your brain better questions, and it will find answers for you. It will also help you find more evidence to support more supportive beliefs and have you notice things that will help you.

A way to frame the questions above to better questions would be:

How can I quickly make more money?

Where are things going well in my life right now? 

How can something in my life go even better?

What can I do to get a promotion?

Your brain will work to find the answer by asking questions like these.

If you have a goal in mind, you can continuously ask yourself how you can reach it, and your mind will come up with answers and solutions. Your mind can also help you discover something. So if you are not sure what you want, you can ask your brain a question like, what is available for me to do as a career that will make my life more fulfilling?

Your brain will then search until it finds an answer for you.