Burnout vs. Overwhelm. In this article, we will go over the difference between burnout and overwhelm.

While many people use the terms burnout and overwhelm interchangeably, they are different.

Identifying if you are feeling burnt out or overwhelmed will help you figure out the root cause of why you are feeling the way you are and also help you know how to solve it.

I like to think of burnout and overwhelm as feelings on opposite poles of a spectrum.

What is burnout?

Burnout is a prolonged period of physical or emotional exhaustion. One article I read described burnout as being victimized for an extended period without appreciation or reward, and I often think about that description.

Burnout happens when you are working and producing a lot but not taking care of yourself or managing your mind.

In burnout, you are doing a lot but you are not taking care of your physical, mental, or emotional health. Being in burnout puts your well-being in jeopardy.

Burnout goes hand-in-hand with exhaustion.


What is overwhelm?

Overwhelm is a feeling that happens when you feel like you have too much not and not enough time to do everything. You feel overwhelmed when you feel like you are drowning in too much to do but you struggle to do any of it.


  • 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed at Work (free guide)

When you are in burnout, you are producing. When you are overwhelmed, you are not producing as much as you need to or as much as you know you are capable of.

It can also happen when you don’t have a priority because everything is a priority.

If everything is important, then nothing is.

Typically, overwhelm is also present with indecision, confusion, and feeling stuck.


Causes of burnout and overwhelm

The two leading causes of burnout and overwhelm are not managing your mind and not planning effectively.

When you manage your mind, you:

  • empower yourself to think supportive thoughts
  • fuel yourself with useful or positive emotion
  • make strong decisions
  • can say no to others so that you can say yes to yourself
  • have boundaries
  • honor commitments you have made for self
  • practice real self-care
  • manage your stress

When you plan effectively, you:

  • plan time for yourself to relax, rest, and play
  • plan time to take care of yourself
  • know ahead of time if you need to change a deadline or your workload
  • know precisely what you are producing and when
  • say yes to yourself and your dreams


How to Know If You Are Experiencing Burnout or Overwhelm

Ask yourself these questions to know if you are experiencing burnout or overwhelm.

Are you getting enough done?

If yes, you are more likely to be experiencing burnout. If not, it is more likely that you are experiencing overwhelm,

Have you created a plan that you follow to get your work done?

If yes, then you are probably burned out. If not, then you are probably overwhelmed.


Burnout and Overwhelm

It is essential to know if you are experiencing burnout or overwhelm because they require different solutions for you to feel better.

Once you have identified if you are experiencing overwhelm or if you are experiencing burnout, you can start taking steps to feel better.