Burnout can come in many different forms, but at its core, burnout leaves people in utter exhaustion. So, what is burnout, what are the signs of burnout, and how can you prevent it?

Merriam-Webster defines burnout as:


  1. The cessation of operation usually of a jet or rocket engine

  2. Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration

The Mayo Clinic describes burnout as “a special type of work-related stress-a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.”

The cause of burnout is trying to achieve a goal that becomes unattainable and being under this stress for a prolonged amount of time without seeing an end in sight.

Signs of burnout include:

  • irritability
  • feeling exhausted for an extended period
  • hostility
  • cynicism
  • loss of internal motivation, drive, or enjoyment when you used to feel enjoyment about doing the thing
  • a feeling of endlessness

Burnout Prevention Tips

Burnout can be prevented by having and maintaining boundaries, proper planning, and caring for your mindset.

You will eventually get exhausted when you work continuously towards a result and keep working more and more without resting.

To prevent burnout, you have to schedule time for self-care and relaxation. There has to be an end to the work day so you can do something else and think about something else.

Another prevention tip for burnout is to plan. So many people are putting out fires daily that they don’t have enough space in their calendars to work on their important goals. By putting out so many fires, you are constantly reacting to your day, which will be very stressful.

Also, managing your mind will help tremendously with preventing burnout. Your brain is an incredible tool and can be an asset to you, but if it is not managed correctly, it can just as quickly work against you.

Taking the time to do the self-care, like managing your brain and stopping work when you say you are going to stop, are essential steps to preventing burnout.

A Final Note

You can build an incredible, resilient mindset. You can direct your brain to positive thoughts; you can use your brain to make better decisions and plan your future. You are also able to process any emotions that you feel. Because you have these capabilities, you can work towards building your mindset to help you stay out of burnout. You can use different emotions to fuel you to feel productive and accomplished instead of stressed and exhausted. You can use your brain to make better decisions so that you work on your most important tasks and decide when you should stop working each day. You can gift self-care to yourself by managing your mind, honoring your boundaries, and making thoughtful decisions for your future.