How to Create Your Own Luck

How to Create Your Own Luck

Some people are lucky. Some people create their luck.

You can learn how to create your luck so that you are prepared the next time an opportunity arises for you to take. Here are five strategies for you about how to create your own luck.

1. Take radical responsibility for your results

 The first step to creating your luck is to take radical responsibility for the results that you have in your life. This means believing that each result in your life has been the direct effect of something you have thought, felt, and taken action. Once you take radical responsibility for all the results you have in your life, you’ll see that you have created everything in your life, and it will give you this empowerment that you can create new and more desired results.

2. Seek evidence to confirm you are lucky.

Your brain works like a machine and will prove true to you the thoughts you think. Whatever you tell your brain to look for, your brain thinks is important. When you tell your brain that you are lucky, your brain will start to search for evidence that will confirm that you are fortunate

This activates something in your brain, and you will start noticing more instances where you have been fortunate. It is like when you buy a new car model, and then you start seeing that model all over the place, even if you have never noticed it before.

This is why telling yourself you are lucky can be beneficial. Because your brain is constantly seeking evidence for what you tell it, if you say you’re fortunate, it will start searching and noticing things that prove to it that prove it true that you are lucky. 


3. Create Abundant Thoughts

You are totally in charge of the thoughts that you think.

Your thoughts are optional.

You can choose to believe anything that you want.

The thoughts you think over and over again become your beliefs. Those beliefs will affect how you feel day in and day out and will lead you to either take action or in action and, therefore, will affect the results that you have in your life. So, because you can choose your thoughts, you can choose to create deliberate positive, and great ideas.

Even thinking I’m lucky is a thought, and when you consider it that way, you’ll feel extraordinary, abundant, and joyous, and then you’ll be on the lookout for things that confirm that thought to you. You’ll start making meanings of things, and then the result that you create is that you will create more luck in your life. You’ll think that you’re fortunate. 

This is why you need to create thoughts that feel good to you deliberately, and it’s essential to check in with your body and see how those thoughts feel in your body and if those thoughts and those feelings are leading you to take the actions you want to take that are going to give you the results that you want. You can create abundant thoughts such as:

  • I am so lucky
  • I am so grateful
  • I appreciate this moment
  • I create my luck
  • things are always working out for me
  • the better it gets, the better it gets
  • I am open to receiving more joy and abundance in my life.

4. Practicing Gratitude

Being in a state of gratitude will make you more likely to receive what you want. You’ll also start practicing being grateful for what you have, which will make you feel lucky.

A lot of people talk about gratitude practice. Many people have a gratitude practice but need to connect to the sensation and feeling of gratitude. The approach is just something they do where they write down the three things they are grateful for that day and then want to get one with their day.

They have this gratitude practice because they’re told about all the benefits it comes with, but when you do this from a place of checking off a box and not doing it from your heart, this will not be as effective.

To have this be effective, you have to be sitting in the feeling of gratitude. Getting into this state can take a minute if you’re not used to feeling this feeling.

  1. Think about something you can be grateful for and focus on the appreciation you feel for it  (remember, you’re doing this for yourself, so you don’t need anybody else’s approval or permission. What you focus on can be as small or as big as you want).
  2. You will focus on feeling gratitude until you can feel it in your body. The way gratitude feels for me is like a sensation and vibration flowing through m, and body, and I can feel it emanating from my heart.
  3. Access the feeling of gratitude for what you have currently and then start feeling grateful for what you want in your future.

5. Your Thoughts Create Your Results

Your thoughts create the results in your life. 

The way this works is that your thoughts create the feelings in your body. Your thoughts are optional. I know there was a long time when I had no idea my thoughts were optional or that I could choose them; I just thought these thoughts came to me, and I had no choice.

Your thoughts create your feelings, and then it is from your feelings that you either take your actions or don’t. 

All actions or inactions are derived from how you think they will make you feel, and then your actions will cause your results.

Let’s say you think, “my friends don’t want to hear from me.” This thought makes you feel disconnected, and when you think about what you’re doing when you’re disconnected, you’re going to think about the actions you’re going to take. You’re probably going to refrain from texting your friends, not calling your friends, not reaching out, and even not going to events where you know your friends will be because you think your friends don’t want to hear from you. The result is that you’re a terrible friend, and then your friends won’t want to hear from you even if that wasn’t how they felt before you started taking action from that thought.

Start looking for more ways to prove to yourself how this is true to you so that you can understand that all results in your life; originate from the thoughts you’re repeatedly thinking. Once you know, you can start creating your luck because you can start thinking thoughts that will bring you the type of results you want.

Hence, if you’re feeling negative thoughts right now, like

  • I’m broke
  • I hate my job
  • nobody respects me,
  • nobody likes me   

You’re just going to find proof and act in ways to create those thoughts into results in your life. This is why deliberate thought creation is so important. You can turn all those thoughts above into more supportive ideas like:

  • I am grateful for the money that I have,
  • I have a job, and I appreciate what it gives me;
  • I respect myself,
  • I like myself, and I know others like me

Once you can see the creation in your life and you start seeing how these create your results, you can begin creating thoughts, practicing thoughts, and changing your beliefs to get better results, and in the end, you’re going to make more luck. 

A Final Note on How To Create Your Own Luck

I hope you found this helpful and that you experiment with these strategies to start seeing improved results in your life. Ensure you get the free guide, 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed at Work, that will take you through some quick, actionable steps to help you feel more in control of your time and day. Also, feel free to contact me if you are facing a challenge and want some coaching.