Do you feel like no matter what success you have in your life, someone else always looks more put-together, more organized, has more clarity, and seems to have everything together? Do you ever wonder what they are doing day in and day out that leads them to have clarity, success, and organization? Career-driven women depend on daily habits to reach and maintain their success. So, what are the five practices of successful career-driven women?

1. They don’t believe everything they think.

Humans have tens of thousands of thoughts per day, and only some thoughts are helpful or even accurate. Knowing that you don’t have to believe your thoughts, primarily if it is not serving you, you can direct your thoughts to be more helpful in creating success. To see more about this, check out the blog post, Asking Better Questions.

Click here for the free guide, 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed at Work.

2. They ask for help.

Successful women are fearless in asking for help and seeking out coaches or mentors when needed. Having someone you can go to when dealing with a challenge or self-doubt can be priceless. By having someone else look at the problem differently, they can help you see new solutions or guide you through it.

3. Successful women lead themselves.

They know where they are going and don’t wait for other people to start. They permit themselves to pursue their goals and dreams. They take responsibility for their lives and lead themselves through their challenges and struggles. They look to themselves first to answer problems. They take action and don’t make failures mean anything about their worth.

4. They are optimistic.

Successful women know they will get farther with an optimistic mindset than a negative one. They think highly of other people and avoid gossip, and they think well of other people and also think well of others. This thinking makes them collaborative, and they can quickly move their projects along. People enjoy working with them, and they enjoy others.

5. Successful women are continually improving themselves.

They are constantly growing and challenging themselves. They know they don’t know everything and are always looking to improve. They are open to learning new skills and having a beginner’s mind. They are fearless in investing in themselves and their education and know there is always more for them to learn.

A Final Note

Every practice that a successful, career-driven woman does is available to you today. You can start practicing these habits and mindset shifts and seeing results in your life in no time. Pick one to try out, commit to it for at least three weeks, and see how much changes for you.