This blog post will discuss how to be a more effective leader. People want to be led, and leaders are more than just managers. Leaders inspire people and help draw everyone into a greater vision. Here are some ways to become a more effective leader. 

Setting a Good Example

Leaders are role models, and the behavior that leaders exhibit is those that others will model. So, if you want your team to act a certain way, you must work that way.

People will model your behavior. If you want people to respond quickly, you should set an example of replying rapidly.

This also applies to working hard and being willing to do the tasks you ask others to do. By being integrity with your words, you will set a good example.

Being Open To Feedback

If you want to be a more effective leader, be open to the feedback you receive.

This doesn’t mean that you have to accept all feedback given to you, especially if it is unfounded.

Being open to feedback means listening to what others tell you about yourself, even if you find it hard to hear. You can listen with an open mind and thank them for being honest with you.

As you rise in an organization, this becomes more important because people will be less willing to tell you things, predominantly negative. In the book Primal Leadership, they call this “CEO disease.”

It is essential to listen and be open to people’s feedback. They also might be right and tell you something you can do better, which will help you improve and become a better leader.

Building Trust

Building trust is vital to your goals as a leader. You want people to trust your vision and where you are taking them.

You can build trust by doing what you say you will do and being honest with people about what is happening.

People like to be told why certain decisions were made, or changes are happening. By being honest about these things and even your feelings about these things, you can build trust with your team.

Another way to build trust is to be fair and treat everyone with respect. No one likes to feel like they are being mistreated.

Active listening is another way to build trust with your team, peers, and colleagues. You can practice this by being present when someone is speaking instead of thinking about the next thing you want to say. Then, you can repeat to the person what you think you heard to ensure you understood them correctly.

Manage Your Mind

Managing your mind means being aware of your thoughts and feelings and how those impact your results.

This is the work we focus on inside Millennial Leadership because it is where you have the most control. By knowing how your mindset impacts the things around you, you can shift and choose more empowering thoughts.

You know how you affect your team by being aware of your emotions. According to Primal Leadership, emotional intelligence is the most important attribute when it comes to who will be successful as a leader. So, investing in increasing emotional intelligence is a worthwhile goal.

A Final Note

There are many things you can do to become a more effective leader. These include setting a good example, being open to feedback, building trust, and managing your mind.