
‘I’m so busy’ has become the default answer when someone asks you how you are doing lately. And having a full life is a good thing. But, being so busy that you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or like you need more time to prioritize your health or the things vital to you is not an enjoyable experience.

These are some ways to reject busyness in your life.

Click here for the free guide, 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed at Work.

Say No To Anything You Don’t Want To Do

You might feel busy because you agree to every request and invitation. You don’t need to respond with a yes to every invitation.

You might also be adding things to your to-do list that you feel you have to do that you don’t have to. This could be things like folding the laundry, buying a gift, or something else you think you should do but don’t have to.

Once you write down a to-do list, cross out anything you don’t want or need to do. There are a couple of things you could completely let go of, wait to do, or reframe how you think of the task.

Let’s say you don’t have to fold laundry today but want to have all your clothes put away before tomorrow. Just admitting to yourself that this is something you want and not something that you have to do or should do will make you feel different about the task.

Focus On Your Task At Hand

This is useful on the micro level of how you spend each minute of your day and the broader story of the focus of your life.

What is the primary thing you focus on each day? Do you have one over-arching goal for the direction of your life right now, or is your focus split in a million different directions?

When you are trying to accomplish many things simultaneously, it takes you longer to finish them. Pick one task, tune out the distractions around you, and finish it. Then, move on to your next job. You will move so much faster and get so much more done quickly when you operate in this way.

Stop Saying That You’re Busy

What you say out loud is essential to your brain, and your brain will go to work looking for evidence to prove what you say is true. The more you say you’re busy, the more evidence your brain will search for around you that will prove to you that it is true and the busier you will feel.

Instead, start saying that you have plenty of time for the task at hand or some other abundant belief about how much time you have that you believe. If that feels like too much of a stretch, then start asking your brain supportive questions like:

  • How can I create more time in my life?
  • How can I get more done in less time?
  • How can I feel calmer?

Your brain will go to work to look for answers for you.

A Final Note

Busyness is a state of mind, and it is possible for you to feel less busy and less overwhelmed in your life. Start with these steps and see how much can change in a few weeks. If you try out one of these tips, let me know how it goes! I would love to hear from you!