
Millennial Leadership

Are you a new leader wishing you had a way to juggle all your new responsibilities without feeling like an impostor the whole time?

It’s time for you to confidently step ship role wiinto your new leaderthout the stress, worry or confusion.

It's about becoming a leader.

There are new responsibilities, new stress and so much to learn. It leads to confusion, stress and overwhelm about what being a new leader even means.

The shift from being an individual contributor to a manager is huge and requires so much change to a new leader. How do you handle all of the changes?


The confusion, overwhelm, and stress were common among new leaders.

They were often asking themselves, “Am I good enough for this?”

Or, “What if they find out I don’t really know what I’m doing?”

These types of questions and thought patterns are common for new leaders. But they aren’t helpful.

Continuing to play into the self-doubt and overwhelm can stop a new leader in their tracks before they even get going.

This is where Millennial Leadership comes in. My framework to help millennial women confidently step into their dream leadership roles.

Learn what makes an effective leader.

Create a team dynamic that is respected and loved.

Feel confident as a new leader.

Reduce your stress and overwhelm.

Improve your leadership presence.

Become a better decision maker.

Make a smooth transition into leadership.

Millennial Leadership